I want to talk about this but I have not been sure how to hit these talking points without sounding like a radical. I don't think I can talk on this subject without sounding radical. The US government has become a socialist democracy, a police state, a country with a $10 trillion debt, and utter lack of leadership. Many ignorant Americans would balk at the claim that the United States is a fascist like police state. Lets review a few act passed in Congress over the last 5 years that closely resemble Nazi police state laws.
HR 3162. -"Patriot Act"
"Patriot Act 2" - A renewel and extension of powers granted the Federal government by original Patriot Act.
FISA.- Allows domestic wiretapping and surveillance without probable cause.
John Warner Defense Authorization Act- Allows President to declare a public emergency anywhere in America and establish martial law without the consent of the govenor or local authorities to "suppress public disorder".
Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization Act- Passed overwhelmingly by Congress on October 23, 2007, is now awaiting a Senate vote. This act will beget a new crackdown on dissent and the Constitutional rights of American citizens. The definitions of “terrorism” and “extremism” are so vague that they could be used to generalize against any group that is working against the policies of the Administration. In this bill, “violent radicalization” criminalizes thought and ideology while “homegrown terrorism” is defined as “the planed use of force to coerce the government.” The term, “force” could encompass political activities such as protests, marches, or any other form of non-violent resistance.
Military Commissions Act of 2006- Ends habeas corpus, the right to an attorney, and the right to court review of one’s detention and arrest. Without this most basic right, all other rights are gone too since anyone can be detained indefinitely. Now anyone may be arrested and incarcerated and nobody would know
NSPD 51- A directive signed by George W. Bush on May 9, 2007, that allows the President to declare martial law, effectively transforming the U.S. into a dictatorship with no checks and balances from the Legislative or Judicial Branches. Parts of this directive are considered classified and members of Congress have been denied the right to review it
The US has two major political parties: The Republicans= Fascist 
and the Democrats=Socialist;Marxist 
Between the mixture the US has become the Empirical Socialist Democratic Polic State of the World. We have the worst of both worlds. Big Brother is everywhere and we will only see him get stronger the next 8 years. I for one no longer want to be considered a citizen of this government or Empire.
What I suggest we do is follow the same steps the Irish did to gain their independence.... "We the People" declare ourselves independent, a Libertarian Republic, a government ruled by strict laws via a Constitution, a nation where civil liberties above all else is the sole concern of the population. Low taxes, nationalist yet opposed to Empire fascism, but also opposed to the New World Order.
The US Constitution in Article IV. Sec. 4 states the US is a Republic not a Democracy as the ignorant politicians of today claim. This form of government is where we need to return. Just some rambling but I think this needs to be the aim of the Liberty movement in America!
Yours in Liberty,