More Bailout News!
The economy is going to struggle in Obama's first term because he is proposing many of the same failed idea's that FDR proposed in his New Deal. Obama and the media refuse to understand that the governments revenues goes up when Capital Gains tax is lowered, and if a cut in government spending is coupled with lowered taxes the economy will reap great benefits. Obama also refuses to believe that redistribution of wealth is a Socialist prinicple. And this guy is supposed to be the savior of America? Forgive my lack of faith.
Yours in Liberty,
Obama's Treasury Secretary
Yours in Liberty,
Religion and Libertarianism Overcoming Rascism!
Libertarianism as a Political Philosophy and Ideology encourage Individualism, and stresses that every man deserves civil liberty! Libertarianism doesn't view a person as black, red, or white but rather as an Individual who deserves their Liberty and Freedom. It's the only Political Theory of government in the US that doesn't divide or turn People against People. It doesn't view government as a way to coercively enforce religious, racial, or national belief systems on others.
Religion and Libertarianism is my solution to solve discrimination. We are breaking barriers, and seeing old walls crumble more today than ever. I don't think we will ever truely unite in this country until we embrace a Libertarian Political philosophy, and we understand the Bible{or your particular text}. God created us all equal and we all have a common ancestor isn't it time we accept each other as humans and move on? As the Decleration of Independence states so well:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Who Will Bailout the Government?
Yours in Liberty,
Big News!
Yours in Liberty,
Does Obama Deserve a Chance to Prove Himself?
Yours in Liberty,
$25 Billion Auto Industry Bailout!!
Yours in Liberty,
French President Claims Laissez-Faire is Dead!
Yours in Liberty,
Yours in Liberty,
Obama Uniting America?
Yours in Liberty,
Barr the Best Choice for Libertarians in 2008
Yours in Liberty,
Yours in Libety,
Redistribution of Wealth?
A lot of Americans are saying it right now in a new form "Obama 08"!
Yours in Liberty,
Barry Goldwater: American Patriot
This is a 4 minute clip of Barry Goldwater's speech from the 1960's Republican Convention. Mr. Goldwater was dead on. Folks lets get excited... it's our Country and it's at stake! Vote Nov. 4th for the change that will bring true hope to America. Vote Libertarian!
Yours in Liberty,
Angry Politician!
We need more guys like this in Washington! I don't believe McCain or Obama. Neither get excited, animated, I don't honestly think they believe in the bs their campaigns push on the American people. They simply want to be President. They will say whatever best puts them into position to win the election. I want to see some politicians that have moral backbone! Believe in the policies they support. We need some people to get upset and decide to change things.
I feel experience is not needed to be President. Leadership, courage, strength to stand on what you believe in, is what is needed to be President. I know a couple people who could be President that have never served in office. A great candidate would be Stan Jones. If one has sound principals: small government, keep governement in Constitutional limits, physically conservative, defend civil liberties, non-interventionist foriegn policy, free markets, and Capitalism then you have the ingredients for successful government. One also needs a backbone and strength of character to stick to these principals once elected. I see many in Washington that have the "experience" the two sides throw out as a condition of the Presidency yet these "experienced" politicians voted for a $800+ Billion dollar bailout, these "experienced" lunatics sit idly by while the Government nationalizes the US banking industry! Is that the kind of experience we need? I mean if so I for one I don't want an experienced person as President.
Yours in Liberty,
Obama's Tax Plan
Canadian Election 2008
Yours in Liberty,
Nationalization of Banking
The one other thing I want to address is what happened to Freedom of business in country? What happened to America? The core value of freedom in business is that one has freedom. Freedom to become the next Microsoft or freedom to fall flat on one's face. Bush, the cronies in Washington, and the fools at the Federal Reserve say we have to take the bailout position to save the "free market"! Here's the thing folks, it ain't capitalism if you can't fail. This country is far from Laissez-faire Capitalism!
Yours in Liberty,
The Republic of America
The US has two major political parties: The Republicans= Fascist
Between the mixture the US has become the Empirical Socialist Democratic Polic State of the World. We have the worst of both worlds. Big Brother is everywhere and we will only see him get stronger the next 8 years. I for one no longer want to be considered a citizen of this government or Empire.
What I suggest we do is follow the same steps the Irish did to gain their independence.... "We the People" declare ourselves independent, a Libertarian Republic, a government ruled by strict laws via a Constitution, a nation where civil liberties above all else is the sole concern of the population. Low taxes, nationalist yet opposed to Empire fascism, but also opposed to the New World Order.
The US Constitution in Article IV. Sec. 4 states the US is a Republic not a Democracy as the ignorant politicians of today claim. This form of government is where we need to return. Just some rambling but I think this needs to be the aim of the Liberty movement in America!
Yours in Liberty,
Yours in Liberty,
Closed Debates?
The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was formed in 1987 to guarantee that every Presidential election would have at least one debate between the candidates. The problem lies in the fact the CPD is ran by former and current Republicans and Democrats. The CPD is not in the least interested in allowing the American people to make an informed decision in the election cycle but rather ensure they remain entrenched in the same two party system that they themselves belong to. The one time the CPD did allow a third party candidate into the debates in 1992, Ross Perot took 20% of the Popular vote and caused the election to swing to Bill Clinton. Since seeing the success of the third party candidates especially if allowed to debate the CPD has since set the bar so high it's nearly impossible any third party contender can enter the debates. How we can go around the world destroying regimes because we claim they are not democratically elected when in our own country the political system is a totalitarian two party system? The idea this is even plausible is ridiculous! The good news is this year more than any other the American voters have started to demand that all the candidates voices be heard from. Now if only the CPD will listen.
The danger to the Demopublicans is that if the debates are opened Americans will actually see candidates with backbone! Candidates, men and women, who are not only charactered but people who want to LEAD this country. Right or Wrong. Not the spineless candidates the Demopublicans field. I wish Ralph Nader would win the Whitehouse even though I oppose a lot of the things Nader believes in, at least he's a leader, a man with backbone. Where are those people in the two parties? In Washington? Two names come to my mind and only two. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Both of which had strong followings in their bid to win the nomination of their respective parties. Even though the media completely ignored them and their parties considered them fringe candidates. Dr. Paul especially connected with a large percentage of the Republican base. Why? Because Dr. Paul is a leader not a politician. Dr. Paul is much like Barry Goldwater he knows what he believes and he fights for it. Leadership like that is exactly what this country needs. Imagine if the debate was opened up to all the candidates. Nader might give Obama a run for his money in California and Washington, Barr might give McCain a run for his money in Neveda or Idaho, and it might be a free for all in Ohio! This kind of election would be great for everyone. It would ensure that every party pick a candidate that would have backbone and uphold the parties platform. Candidates with moral backbone to do as they promised. So please consider contacting the CPD and asking them to allow every candidate the chance to debate and offer their ideas to the American people.
Yours in Liberty,
Seperation of State and Business!
Barr 2008!
Bob Barr, the Libertarian Candidate for President is the only candidate that will start to move America back in the right direction. Bob Barr will abolish the Dept. of Education, effectively destroying the monopoly the government has over Education. Barr is for starting troop withdraws from Iraq and against permanent bases. He is also against the US funding of the Iraq government and economy. Bob is for securing the Borders, for the 2nd Amendment, against FISA and Patriot Acts. Barr is also against Immanent domain. Bob Barr is America's only choice in 2008. He would bring the kind of change we truly need. Not the same political non-sense the Demopublicans are throwing in the face of the American people. Vote for true change in 2008. Bob Barr!
Your in Liberty,