This election cycle has in my opinion shown why the Republicans and Democrats are so severely in need of being voted out of office. Barack Obama and John McCain are almost one and the same. They bicker over the smallest issues and try to appear different for the sake of getting votes. The past week it was very apparent how similar the two are economically. Both candidates chose to vote for the Bailout. Both want more regulation in response to this 'crisis'. Foriegn Policy is also the exact same for both candidates. McCain will get the Right's vote, because just as Bush espoused, he's for physical responsibility, smaller government, and morally leans to the right. Even though the Republicans always play this card, they do nothing. They controlled both houses of Congress, and the Whitehouse, yet we saw no change in any of the moral laws. Except partial birth abortion ban. Yet these, in many cases, religiously duped people will show up and vote for McCain. Obama will bring more socialist change to the US but he will be severely crippled in these policy decisions because of the $850+ Billion dollar bailout. When the two candidates debated in Mississippi it was a national disgrace. Not one major policy was debated, the whole debate was just a congeniality contest. Both Obama and McCain will bring more of the same ignorant leadership that has led this country since WW2.
Bob Barr, the Libertarian Candidate for President is the only candidate that will start to move America back in the right direction. Bob Barr will abolish the Dept. of Education, effectively destroying the monopoly the government has over Education. Barr is for starting troop withdraws from Iraq and against permanent bases. He is also against the US funding of the Iraq government and economy. Bob is for securing the Borders, for the 2nd Amendment, against FISA and Patriot Acts. Barr is also against Immanent domain. Bob Barr is America's only choice in 2008. He would bring the kind of change we truly need. Not the same political non-sense the Demopublicans are throwing in the face of the American people. Vote for true change in 2008. Bob Barr!
Your in Liberty,
Bob Barr, the Libertarian Candidate for President is the only candidate that will start to move America back in the right direction. Bob Barr will abolish the Dept. of Education, effectively destroying the monopoly the government has over Education. Barr is for starting troop withdraws from Iraq and against permanent bases. He is also against the US funding of the Iraq government and economy. Bob is for securing the Borders, for the 2nd Amendment, against FISA and Patriot Acts. Barr is also against Immanent domain. Bob Barr is America's only choice in 2008. He would bring the kind of change we truly need. Not the same political non-sense the Demopublicans are throwing in the face of the American people. Vote for true change in 2008. Bob Barr!
Your in Liberty,
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