
Seperation of State and Business!

Separation of Church and State has been a foundation of the US Government since our founding. Our founders understood the importance of the State not interfering with the Church. The Church in America realized the danger of a Church gaining the power of Government. Many Christians had come to America to escape the "State Church" taxes and religious political coercion of Europe. This Separation has proven to truly allow America to be a religiously free country. I would like to argue that this nation should also embrace the ideology of Separation of State and Business.

People love the idea of State rule over business. It makes them feel safe. They must realize this is a false sense of security. There must be a separation of State and Business. For the good of both. One could even make a case that for the success of both they should be separate. Elitist control the US government, the military complex is making money hand over fist in our current "war on terror". The business and banking lobbyist whispering in the ears of our current governing rulers is easily evident. Government 'oversight' and 'control' of business quickly results in business controlling government. Once business realizes government control they buy politicians, for business will never allow control to slip from their grasp. This process quickly reduces government to corruption. To control by big corporations, and the financially elite of our society. Wrestling control of government to themselves and away from the people. These corporations move for even more government control of business, causing more red tape, and restrictions ensuring their cartel will never be broken. They will continue to allow capitalism, to a certain degree, so that they can continue making money. I think this is the current state of the government in the US. This system is broken and must be fixed.

This form of government will eventually embrace Socialist policies such as welfare, healthcare, public education and other government handouts. These programs eventually will be used by corrupt government to continue to prop up the cartels formed by the businessmen and elitist who control the government. These government institutions are the final nail in the coffin for these corporations. They make it impossible to topple their monopoly and power. They are nailing Capitalism to the cross of decay. The American dream to the cross of slavery. In a Socialist society people become lazy and therefore complacent. America is hanging on the verge of this most damning catastrophe.

The solution to this problem is returning back to Laissez-faire Capitalism, following the Austrian and Chicago Schools of economics. If government involvement in business is eliminated, business will have no reason to be in government. Control of government could be returned back to the people. Democrats and many Republicans would immediately play the fear card of uncontrolled business and banking! They would tell of the dangers of a Free Market and warn of huge Monopolies. If I could just point to the fact in the US today there are more monopolies and cartels than there ever were in the days before we had all the government regulations. Power companies, oil refineries, and phone companies are great examples of the kind of monopolies the current government red tape has caused. It doesn't work. Capitalism does work. The Industrial Revolution, the first 130 years of our country, Capitalism does work. The only question left is when will Washington realize this?

Yours in Liberty,

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