
Barry Goldwater: American Patriot

This is a 4 minute clip of Barry Goldwater's speech from the 1960's Republican Convention. Mr. Goldwater was dead on. Folks lets get excited... it's our Country and it's at stake! Vote Nov. 4th for the change that will bring true hope to America. Vote Libertarian!

Yours in Liberty,


Angry Politician!

We need more guys like this in Washington! I don't believe McCain or Obama. Neither get excited, animated, I don't honestly think they believe in the bs their campaigns push on the American people. They simply want to be President. They will say whatever best puts them into position to win the election. I want to see some politicians that have moral backbone! Believe in the policies they support. We need some people to get upset and decide to change things.


I am confused on what exactly candidates need as far as experience is concerned. Conservatives point to Obama's short time in office and claim he doesn't have enough experience or knowledge to be President. Liberals fire back that Palin also has little experience considering she was only governor for 2 years of Alaska. So both sides have little experience. Both underlying supporters of the campaigns attack the other sides lack of experience. My question has to do with what experience is needed?

I feel experience is not needed to be President. Leadership, courage, strength to stand on what you believe in, is what is needed to be President. I know a couple people who could be President that have never served in office. A great candidate would be Stan Jones. If one has sound principals: small government, keep governement in Constitutional limits, physically conservative, defend civil liberties, non-interventionist foriegn policy, free markets, and Capitalism then you have the ingredients for successful government. One also needs a backbone and strength of character to stick to these principals once elected. I see many in Washington that have the "experience" the two sides throw out as a condition of the Presidency yet these "experienced" politicians voted for a $800+ Billion dollar bailout, these "experienced" lunatics sit idly by while the Government nationalizes the US banking industry! Is that the kind of experience we need? I mean if so I for one I don't want an experienced person as President.

Yours in Liberty,

Barr Ad!!


Obama's Tax Plan

Simply put Barack Obama's Tax Plan is Socialistic. I can't believe John McCain waited this long to hit on that subject. Obama talks openly and freely about redistribution of wealth. The idea of punishing those who work hard is a Marxist ideology. Marx was the founder of Communism. Obama is scary folks. Look at the last two Presidents we have had; Clinton allowed Ruby Ridge, and Waco. Both were blatant violations of the Bill of Rights. Bush also in gross violation of the Constitution started two wars that have cost the US hundreds of Billions. What will a blatant Socialist do? Do we really think we can trust him?
Yours in Liberty,