
More Bailout News!

Just as with everything government does the bailout situation is getting out of hand. It's hard to even keep up with how much money our government is spending. The government already voted for a $700-$850 billion dollar bailout. It looks like in the end they will pump a $25 billion dollar loan into the auto industry, and we may be in for another $800 billion dollar bailout with Obama wanting another $500 billion dollar bailout in stimulus for taxpayers. Ok guys, if you do the addition that's $2.1 trillion dollars. When Bush took office, the debt was about $5 trillion, it was going to be around $9-10 trillion after Bush's failed "war on terror" but by the middle of 2009 it looks like the national debt will be around the $12-13 trillion mark. I included a link from CNN below so you can see the confusing breakdown of money spent so far.

The economy is going to struggle in Obama's first term because he is proposing many of the same failed idea's that FDR proposed in his New Deal. Obama and the media refuse to understand that the governments revenues goes up when Capital Gains tax is lowered, and if a cut in government spending is coupled with lowered taxes the economy will reap great benefits. Obama also refuses to believe that redistribution of wealth is a Socialist prinicple. And this guy is supposed to be the savior of America? Forgive my lack of faith.


Yours in Liberty,

Obama's Treasury Secretary

Obama has anncounced that the person he want's to head the Treasury of the United States will be Timothy Geithner! Geithner is the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Geithner is a known face at the Treasury Department. He went to work for the Department in 1999 in the internal affairs division. He was promoted to Under Secretary of the Treasurer before leaving the Department in late 2001. After leaving the Department he went and joined the Council on Foriegn Relations, a well known and much criticized Organization dedicated to bringing the world together on a variety of issues. This is not change in fact it will only bring the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department together. This country is in for a long four years and if the media has anything to say about it eight years!


Yours in Liberty,


Religion and Libertarianism Overcoming Rascism!

Religion is something dear to my heart! Religious philosophy is how we determine how we will live. It dictates to us whether we believe in an Afterlife, or if we don't believe in the Supernatural. It dictates how we determine to become a better person or live life to the fullest. I am grandstanding yes but I'm trying to make a point Religion is powerful. I'm thankful to be raised in a Christian Home. I hope we all take the time to appreciate our Religion, study, and determine to become better people. As a Christian I love to meet people of other skin color, nationality, language, and even religion. It's especially awe inspiring to see someone from India, Japan, or Rwanda, who is a follower of Jesus Christ. It's human nature to look at someone and immediately pick out the differences between ourselves and others; we do this to those in our own race, so why should a different race be any different. The awesome thing about Religion, it unites and immediately encourages us to look past physical differences or any difference for that matter. Because I immediately see a fellow brother or sister in Christ! We are both followers of Christ! True biblical Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and all the other religions is to encourage seeing fellow humanity as friends and family. This might open a debate because to a certain degree religion can divide, but it can open incredible dialogue's between religious philosophies.

Libertarianism as a Political Philosophy and Ideology encourage Individualism, and stresses that every man deserves civil liberty! Libertarianism doesn't view a person as black, red, or white but rather as an Individual who deserves their Liberty and Freedom. It's the only Political Theory of government in the US that doesn't divide or turn People against People. It doesn't view government as a way to coercively enforce religious, racial, or national belief systems on others.

Religion and Libertarianism is my solution to solve discrimination. We are breaking barriers, and seeing old walls crumble more today than ever. I don't think we will ever truely unite in this country until we embrace a Libertarian Political philosophy, and we understand the Bible{or your particular text}. God created us all equal and we all have a common ancestor isn't it time we accept each other as humans and move on? As the Decleration of Independence states so well:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

Yours in Liberty,

Who Will Bailout the Government?

I have been musing over the fighting, and whoopla now seen in the media over the Auto bailout. It was easy for Washington to decide to throw $700 billion {actually more like $850 billion} to the wind, but now we're fighting over a measly $25 billion. Something to consider is that Washington {politicians} want to see a "business plan" for success from the automakers. There are two things here that are funny or just downright stupid. First, why should we believe the Politicians will know what a "successful" business plan is. Remember these guys can't even run our government, and why should I trust them to know what a "successful" business plan is? Second, they didn't ask the banks for a business plan to ensure that the banks are set to be "successful" in the future. So why are they descriminating against the auto makers? My theory is that we all know the banking cartel in this country, headed by the Federal Reserve, is broken. The Fed knows this and they continually lie to Washington. The only plan to get the banking industry back on track is to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard. So of course, Washington didn't want to open that can of worms. It's just comical to see the stupidity of the media and Washington. It's the blind leading the blind!

Yours in Liberty,