
Timothy Geithner

"The function of a true state is to impose the minimum restrictions and safeguard the maximum liberties of the people, and it never regards a person as a thing!"- Immanuel Kant

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has recently been taking a lot of heat on Capitol Hill and I suspect he will take even more as it becomes more apparent the Stimulus and Bailout fund's were completely wasted and that the Obama Administration has not only not put an end to pork spending but have allowed Capitol Hill to engage in rampant Pork Spending Bills as much as any other Congress.

Never a fan of Geithner I posted a short blog about him early on during his confirmation hearing warning that he would be business as usual,Washington insider. His time spent in the Treasury Department, his time with the Federal Reserve, and the manner in which he has handled the Stimulus money, allowing it to be misused and insuring his friends on Wall Street got "bailed out, all fall back on Obama's shoulder's and Campaign promises to end business as usual and bring "Change" to Washington.

The fact that Obama has failed to bring any substance of true change to Washington was easy to predict and those of us in the third party scene are now confident there is a growing dissatisfaction among the American People to see an end to the two party system.

Geithner is the perfect example of the double standards, and hypocritical actions of the Republicans and Democrats. Geithner failed to pay Social Security Taxes or Medicare taxes while working at the IMF and also employed an immigrant worker who didn't have a green card. Of course if I don't pay Social Security taxes based on the belief that Social Security is Unconstitutional and that the government has spent all the money in Social Security I will go to jail and be made by the mainstream media and our "justice" system to be a "radical" maybe hear the word "free thinker". Mr. Geithner is apparently a victim of not understanding the tax code, he find's himself in good company considering no one really understands the legal jargon contained in the hundreds of thousands of pages that is the IRS tax code.

What I really wanted to focus on today is that recently Congressmen have asked Geithner to resign due to the poor handling of the Stimulus, Bailout, and TARP funds. Geithner testifying before the Joint Economic Committee said Thursday that the governments $700 billion bailout program will end "as soon as we can". Well that's comforting as soon as the Federal Reserve decides that the businesses are "saved" from their own stupid mistakes they'll stop sending them our tax dollars. I feel relieved that there's a timeline on the Bailout.

Geithner continued his fact less tirade saying the Economy is better now than it was in 2008 under Republican leadership and with the aide of TARP. Of course there's no real economic numbers to back up this claim. Also Geithner like a good statist and Federal Reservist is pushing for even more Government oversight and regulation over private companies.

Gaithner also told the Committee that he plans to use part of the $350 billion remaining from the TARP funds to pay off the national debt. At first glance this seem's to be a very good thing. Instead of bailing out businesses we should have let fail, we'll pay off the Debt the problem is however that the $700 billion Bailout money was borrowed the government didn't have surplus money from Bush's first 7 years laying around. This all goes back to how uneducated the Congress really is. Basically we are at the point where we are using borrowed money to try and pay off our debt. Wow Mr. Secretary, please for the good of the country please step down!

Yours in Liberty,
dum spiro spero


The Turning Point!!

"An army of principles can penetrate, where an army of soldiers cannot."
Thomas Paine

Today is an exciting day. Ron Paul's House Resolution 1207 passed the House Financial Services Committee. A first step toward seeing the Federal Reserve be audited and eventually ending the disaster that has been our Central Bank. Since it's inception in 1913 the Government has been engaged in perpetual warfare; WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Bosnia,in Iraq twice, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and soon I'm sure Obama and his war cronies will jump at the chance to invade Iran.

Of course our dear friends over at the DNC would say their all for peace but they wage a war, just as easily as dangerous as traditional war, in the form of economic sanctions, trade embargo's, and allowing the people of the country deserving of their wrath to suffer.

The Federal Reserve is a private and foriegn intrest owned bank since it's inception. Why the Congress was ever foolish enough to believe that it would solve our econmic problems is beyond reason. Here we stand today approaching 100 years of the Fed completely controlling our Currency, Intrest Rates, and Inflation policy and we have been through more recession's, depressions, and dollar devalue's than anytime previous to 1913.

We have always as a nation had times of recession but before 1913 these recessions were always shorter. Between 1887-1913 the average recession lasted 10.3 months. There have been three recessions since 1973 that have lasted longer than 16 months! The Federal Government operating on the advice of the Federal Reserve (remember private banking entities) drew out the Great Depression until the early 40's. (A closer economic study show's our system has never really recovered from the Depression of the 30's thanks to Government Intervention.) The boom cycle that Clinton enjoyed while President was a false boom created by bad banking investments, and borrowing on credit, that the consumer did not have enough collateral or any chance to pay down. Of course the banks have nothing to worry about neither did Fanny or Freddie Mac! In the case of the former their buddies at the Fed would use their power to sway Congress into bailing out the banks, and obvioulsy the Federal Government wouldn't allow Freddie and Fanny to fail.

Meanwhile Obama, Progressives, Leftist, and Socialist were quick to immediatley demand more Government intervention because this latest econmic recession was a clear cut case of the Markets not regulation themselves. Well I'm not sure what kind of fairyland or magical land of Communist Fascism these guys were talking about. The Recession of 2008-? is not an example of the Free Market (or Capitalism) failing but rather the exact opposite. It's the greatest example of how Socialism and Fascism fail.

Free Market's would not have bailed out banks that gave out bad mortgages, or auto makers who ran their company into the ground. Since 1913 however and even more specifically since the 1930's the Fed's and Federal Government have been bailing out companies. In a Free Market the recession we currently find ourselves in would never have happened because the banks would not have made risky loans without the Fed's there to bail them out! The reason the banks made risky bad loan decisions was they really don't have to fear failing, they are to "important" to Obama and the Republicans in power to allow failure.

This brings another question why would these banks want the government to own a stake in their company? The answer is simple the Fed's own the Monetary system. If you own the monetary system you own the Government. So what do they have to fear it's just one big circular pattern.

One last example of the Government operating in the Markets and falling flat on their face is the Amtrak debacle. For those of you who don't know Amtrak is a Government owned and operated Corporation. There a quite a few private, Market ran railroads who operate quite successfully, that is profitably. Yet in October 2008 the Congress, Senate, and President Bush voted to give Amtrak 2.6 Billion a year of your money even though passenger traffic was up 12.6% from the previous year. Amtrak is not free to ride in fact it's usually failry expensive and on top of that the Government takes 2.6 Billion of your hard earned money to prop up Amtrak? That's a great example of what happens when Government get's involved in the "private" sector and put's it's greedy power mongering hand into the Markets, it fails without hesitation every time.

The power of idea's and principles that is the foundation of the END THE FED movement is powerful and fact driven. Even today in our sheep like following of the National media- Fox, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, people are realizing that the principles espoused by our movement is not only fact based but Reason driven. They are waking to the understanding that the Free Market and Sound Money policies (ie Gold) are the policies this nation needs to return to if we intend on rebuilding and having a strong economy!

Your's in Liberty,
Dum Spiro Spero