
Bailout Fallout

It didn't take long. California is now asking the Federal government to help them meet their budgets. They're broke. Schwarzenegger will receive blame for this but it's not completely his fault. California is exactly where a state will end up when it follows progressive/socialist policies. California has a 2.3 Billion dollar public education budget. Physical responsibility is the only way to manage finances. You can only spend what you have! California missed that memo and obviosly they are now going to have to pay for it. Or at least the American taxpayer is going to. America should be weeping today. It is truly Black Friday.

Who is next inline? How many people are we going to bailout? Why not the auto industry? Chevy, Ford, Chrysler, all are reporting defaults on loans and are losing money. Shouldn't we help these great symbols of American industry? Why not the Credit Card industry? God know's they have made horrible decisions and many of their customers struggle to make payments and default on the amount owed. Can the American people live without Mastercard? Not if this country listens to Bush, the majority of the media, Senate, Congress, McCain or Obama. The real question is when will the line for handouts end?

Yours in Liberty,

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