
Does Obama Deserve a Chance to Prove Himself?

The argument goes that every time this country has a President elect that he deserves the chance to prove he will keep his campaign promises and will lead the country toward prosperous times. The antithesis to this argument is that even if Obama carries through with his campaign promises, (even if he reaches across the "divide" and governs from the center) his presidency will not be a good thing for this country. Obama does have a chance to be a better President than George Bush, but considering the things that Bush has done over the last eight years, this task is not that daunting. I can confidently say that Obama's presidency is going to be bad for this country simply based on the policies that he advocates. His economic policies are socialist, his foreign policy is just slightly less aggressive than Bush's, and he champions big government. He voted for FISA, has not made any indication that he will not repeal the Patriot Act. He want's to end the war in Iraq, but vows to continue the war in Afghanistan and even strengthen troop numbers there. So everthing about the peace pillar of the Obama campaign is all smoke and mirrors. He still wants to police the world! Another major campaign pillar for Obama was that he was a Washington outsider. From the early indicators though he appears poised to surround himself with long time Washington insiders. Isn't this politics as usual? Is this the change Americans are longing for? Is Obama truely the savior people are looking for? Time will tell all.

Yours in Liberty,

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