
Nationalization of Banking

I'm sure by now you have heard that President Bush is taking $250 Billion of your dollars and buying shares in the largest banks in the US. Nine banks in all will now be owned to some degree by the US government. I hate to beat the same drum constantly, but I must say that this is a major step towards socialism. This country has officially entered into corporatism, which is not good. It's a definite sign we are heading towards socialism/fascism. America as we know it is changing and not for the better. 90% of Americans think this country is heading in the wrong direction. I'm sick of saying this but Obama and McCain have no answers, no solutions. This latest move on the part of the Bush administration, and the Feds is going to damn this country! Remeber we are 9 trillion in debt and the last 6 months we have spent nearly 1.5 trillion to "bailout" the economy.

The one other thing I want to address is what happened to Freedom of business in country? What happened to America? The core value of freedom in business is that one has freedom. Freedom to become the next Microsoft or freedom to fall flat on one's face. Bush, the cronies in Washington, and the fools at the Federal Reserve say we have to take the bailout position to save the "free market"! Here's the thing folks, it ain't capitalism if you can't fail. This country is far from Laissez-faire Capitalism!

Yours in Liberty,

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